Monday, January 18, 2010

Anyone who has used Paxil to control anxiety... Feedback please?

Did it help? Did it not work? How were the side effects? Were you able to ween off of it fine? After you quit did you start having anxiety problems again or did it help you long term?

Anything additional please add.

I've always been sort of anti-drugs/pills when it comes to all these pills on the market, but my anxiety has gotten so severe that pills cant make my life any worse if you know what I mean. So I'm currently debating Paxil, I was told by my doctor after I explained this to him, that Paxil has hardly any side effects and hes never had a patient thats had a bad reaction to it.

And please, don't respond unless you've taken it, or known someone that takes/taken it. Thx :)Anyone who has used Paxil to control anxiety... Feedback please?

Both my sister and I were put on Paxil in high school for anxiety and depression. And we both got off of it as soon as possible.

For me, it did make me feel ';foggy'; all the time, as well as dizzy or lightheaded and just generally ';blah.'; I was 14 when I started taking it and I was on it for about a year before switching to another med. I remember after being on it for a month or two, I was at the movie theater with some friends and I was telling them I didn't feel right because I was on this medication called Paxil. And this lady sitting in the row in front of me turned around and said ';Did you say Paxil? I'm sorry to interrupt, but I was on that for years and it was a nightmare. Get off it as soon as possible and switch to something else.'; The lady's husband was nodding his head in agreement and it scared me so much I asked to switch meds. My mom and doctor said to ';give it time,'; so I did, but I never found relief from it. There's no medication in the world that will ';fix'; everything. Once you come off a medication, you will be exactly the same as before unless you've changed other things (learned new coping skills for your anxiety, dealt with any underlying issues, etc.). As for weening off, I don't really remember the process except that I felt like total crap during it. Paxil can cause really uncomfortable flu-like symptoms. I remember the movie theater lady telling me she was sick in every way for several weeks while trying to come off.

Paxil causes many side effects for many people. I ended up on a huge mix of meds over the next few years (the one that stuck was Prozac and Zyprexa) and really never felt ';right.'; I finally got off everything about 5 years ago and have never felt better. I know that's not the case for everyone, but I found that taking the meds while in rigorous therapy was the answer. Eventually we have to learn to cope with our anxiety without needing medication. It just makes life easier. Unless you want to be on meds your whole life... My sister has ended up on a horribly debilitating cocktail of meds because she refuses to deal with anything in therapy. She's currently on high doses of Prozac, Wellbutrin, Lamictal, Abilify, and Provigil. She is literally a shell of her former self, like a walking zombie. It's really sad.

I'm not trying to scare you! Sorry! I just hope you seek help with a therapist as well, not just a psychiatrist. I hope you find some relief over the next few years, hang in there...Anyone who has used Paxil to control anxiety... Feedback please?
I took paxil for depression. It worked very good with few side effects. The problem I had while taking it was the inability to ejaculate. It took a long time to achieve orgasm or not at all. If you do stop taking the drug it is recommended to gradual reduce to dose and not stop it suddenly.
After being in and out of rehab several times I have found paxil to be the best for me but ask a dr cause I don`t know anything

Whats is the best pedal to control feedback?

This is gettign redicuolous!!!!!!! the feedback is out of hand. I have an esp explorer, and i use emg hz pickups, and i run it through a Boss Reverb, Digitech Whammy, and a shure wireless system. I WAS running it through a pedal called ';hush system the pedal';( really old pedal that cuts you of and gives you NO sustain)

does anyone know of a noise gate that......

1. Cuts of all feedback when its really loud

2. Doesnt rape the tone too badly

3. Keeps amps natural sustainWhats is the best pedal to control feedback?
Boss makes a pretty good one. It doesn't work miracles, but if you're setup is within reason, it should do the trick.

Boss NS-2 $99鈥?/a>Whats is the best pedal to control feedback?
Sooo many's a shot....

Your pickups are probably too hot.

Try an ISP Decimator

Also, turn the gain down.

That's all I can tell you without knowing what amp you're using ....
  • smokey eye
  • Know the mechanisms of hormonal control (positive and negative feedback, antagonistic hormones).?

    I really don't understand it, it's not Homework btwKnow the mechanisms of hormonal control (positive and negative feedback, antagonistic hormones).?
    Hormones are chemicals that run throughout the body and lead other organs to produce reactions. Positive and negative feedback has to do with feedback inhibition mechanisms, where the presence of the product of the reaction directly affects later reactions of the same type by affecting the hormone that started it all.

    In a negative inhibition case, the body either produces hormones to counter reactions that are going on or it stops producing the hormones that are causing the reactions. Most feedback inhibition instances in the body are negative. See ';trp operon'; for an example of a gene feedback inhibition.

    In a positive feedback case, the body produces a hormone which leads to a reaction. The product of the reaction causes more hormone production, which causes increased product, which causes increased hormone, etc. Obviously, positive feedback cases never spontaneously stop, so they are only used when the cells are not permanently part of the organism. The best example is in plant hormone ethylene and ripening fruit. Ethylene makes fruit begin to ripen. The presence of ripened tissue increases the amount of ethylene, which increases the ripening and so on until the fruit is so ripe, it falls off the plant. Another example is oxytocin and the formation of endometrial wall in the uterus.

    Antagonistic hormones are pairs of hormones that produce opposite results at different times, depending on what your body needs. A good example is blood sugar level. When sugar conent is high in the blood, your pancreas produces insulin, a hormone, to cause cells to take up the sugar and therefore blood sugar levels drop (until you eat more sugar). (Lack of insulin means cells cannot take up the sugar which leads to diabetes.) If there is not enough sugar in your blood, your pancreas produces glucagon, a different hormone that causes your organs to release stored sugar in order to increase the blood sugar level. Therefore: insulin= decrease in sugar level; glucagon= increase in sugar level: antagonistic hormones.

    Antagonistic hormones that paticipate in negative feedback system; control blood Ca+2...?

    antagonistic hormones that paticipate in negative feedback system; control blood Ca+2. Which of these hormones is it?

    a. epinephrine, norepinephrine

    b. OT, PRL

    c. FSH, LH

    d. insulin, glucagon

    e. PTH, CTAntagonistic hormones that paticipate in negative feedback system; control blood Ca+2...?

    parathyroid ..increases blood calcium levels by facilitating osteoclast activity ..bone break down

    calcitonin decrease blood calcium level by facilitating more osteoblast activity or bone forming

    Explain the negative feedback loop that allows kidneys to control the solute-water balance of the blood?

    Please post answer before MONDAYExplain the negative feedback loop that allows kidneys to control the solute-water balance of the blood?
    Urine composition and the rate of urine formation are largely regulated by hormones vasopressin, aldosterone, and angiotensin, and the enzyme rennin.

    Vasopressin (ADH) is produced by the posterior pituitary gland and increases the bodies ability to resorbtion of water. it increase the permeability of the collecting ducts.

    Diabetes insipidus is caused due to a lack of this hormone. It is characterized by thirst, and the production of large amounts of dilute urine.

    Angiotensis and Aldosterone are hormones that regulate the amount of sodium that is resorbed from the filtrate in the nephrons. Aldosterone is produced by the adrenal gland. it promotes the resorbtion of sodium by the distal tube. Its action is directed by the bloods salt content. The kidney secretes an enzyme rennin, which changes a plasma protein angiotensinogen into angiotensin, which helps to increase the production of aldosterone and the blood pressure of the kidney.

    What should happen in a temperature control system using negative feedback when the set point is decrease?

    close loop systemWhat should happen in a temperature control system using negative feedback when the set point is decrease?
    As long as the set point isn't decreased outside the operating range of the loop so that it can maintain lock conditions, the loop should track the temperature down and maintain lock at the new set point.

    Looking for feedback on your Nuvaring experience: was it effective as birth control?

    I just started using the nuvaring , my first month .. but i must say I'm MUCH more confident about the ring . I always forget to take pills.. the patch kept falling off ..

    I like this because i can put it in .. set a alarm on my phone or even the nuvaring website has timer you can put on your computer so it will remind you to take it out and when to put it back in ,, SO easy

    I had No real bothersome side effects .. maybe more discharge but they say that's normal ..

    i cant feel it during sex .. my man says he can feel it with his fingers .. and a little bit during intercourse but it's not Annoying ..

    I've hured of it coming out during sex (but hasn't happened to me )

    I do recommend this method . so far so good i love it . always check with your doc or Gyn before starting about any heath things you have .. and remember *even tho i think this is common knowledge and silly to have to always say * but.. ring doesn't protect from Std's AIDS etc ... so AGAIN .. USE condoms .. use common sense ... OK I've rambled on long enough .. hope it's helped you ..

    good luckLooking for feedback on your Nuvaring experience: was it effective as birth control?
    i love the nuvaring, mostly for convenience. i could never remember to take pills everyday. when inserted properly you can not feel the nuvaring, nor should it fall out.

    i don't use it for birth control, i use it because i do not get my period, and i need the hormone replacement. (i use it to set myself up for fertility medication.

    i find that it has the lowest amount of side effects compaired to other oral pills i have tired.

    i would assume that using it as prescribled that it would be effective, as long as you don't forget to put it in after your week of rest.

    hope this helps.